You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, gamble, pass off a disguise or fake documentation, and otherwise tell lies. 用唬骗技能可以让你在守卫面前蒙混过关,把商人吹得晕头转向,赌博,变装,伪造文书,或者讲其他的谎话。
Effect of oxymatrine on mouse allergic contact dermatitis induced by DNFB and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by Con A 氧化苦参碱抑制二硝基氟苯所致小鼠接触性皮炎及淋巴细胞增殖
You think you can con a woman out of her fortune? 你认为你能够骗取一个无辜女人的财富?
The effect of concanavalin A ( Con A) on nerve regeneration in heterograft was done in the present study. 用刀豆球蛋白A(concanavalinA,conA)预先处理的异种移植神经,对神经再生的影响。
Lymphocyte proliferation induced by Con A was measured by TdR incorporation; 采用[3H]TdR参入法测定淋巴细胞增殖反应;
Results CECs exerted a potent inhibitory effect on in vitro proliferation system of lymphocytes stimulated by Con A or alloantigen. 结果CEC对conA或同种异体抗原刺激的淋巴细胞增殖反应可以施加有效的抑制效应。
The results showed that the diffusion coefficient and fluorescence recovery of macrophages membrane phospholipid and Con A receptors evidently lowered after being stimulated by Con A than in resting conditions. 结果显示conA刺激后膜磷脂和conA受体的扩散系数和荧光恢复率均较静息状态的巨噬细胞明显降低,磷脂流动性的变化与conA受体流动性的变化呈正相关。
Con A binding assay was applied to detect the expression of α mannosidase. 应用conA结合试验,检测转基因细胞6A8α甘露糖苷酶活性的改变;
The study shows that magnetizing water and CON A gas-lift water-reducing agent have a remarkable influence on haydite concrete. 研究表明磁化水、引气减水剂CON-A及其交互作用均对陶粒砼抗压强度有显著影响。
Con A binding to the AS cell was increased. conA与AS细胞的结合增强。
Analysis of tumor cell surface marker with Con A conA检测肿瘤细胞表面标志的应用研究
The study of activity and CD spectra in Con A conA的圆二色性谱与生物活性的研究
The transformed cells could be agglutinated by low concentration of Con A and grow in semisolid agar. 转化细胞可被低浓度conA凝集,并在软琼脂内生长。
Distribution and quantitative study of con a receptor on the surface of human peripheral blood leucocytes 胶体金标记人外周血白细胞表面conA受体及其定位和定量分析
The diffusion coefficient and fluorescence recovery of macrophage membrane phospholipid and Con A receptors in resting condition and after stimulated by Concanavalin A ( Con A) for different time were measured by FRAP ( fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) technique. 本文用FRAP(FluorescenceRecoveryAfterPhotobleaching)技术,测量了静息状态和刀豆素A刺激不同时间后巨噬细胞膜磷脂、conA受体扩散系数和荧光恢复率的变化。
The purpose of this study was to examine changes in fluorescent histochemistry and ultrastructural pathology on concanavalin A ( Con A)-induced liver injury in mice. 观察了刀豆蛋白A(conA)诱导小鼠急性肝损伤模型的荧光组织化学和超微病理改变。
Moreover, stimulation of B cells with LPS or stimulation of T cells with IL-2 and Con A did not result in a growth disadvantage for the transgenic lymphocytes, nor did it lead to increased cell death. 此外,LPS对B细胞的激活或IL-2和conA对T细胞的刺激,不导致转基因淋巴细胞的生长劣势,亦不导致细胞死亡效应的增加。
Effect of oxymatrine on mouse lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by con A 氧化苦参碱对刀豆蛋白A刺激的小鼠淋巴细胞增殖影响的研究
Con A enhances the expression of LAMP-1 on the surface of immune cells. conA促进免疫细胞表面LAMP-1的表达。
The effect of ( 60)~ co y-rays on Con A and LPS induced lymphocytes ~(60)Coγ射线对伴刀豆球蛋白(conA)和脂多糖(LPS)诱导的淋巴细胞的效应
The comparison of radiosensitivity of human lymphocytes stimulated with PHA Con A and PWM PHA、conA和PWM激活的人血淋巴细胞的辐射敏感性比较
The Relationship between Inhibitory Effect of Serum from Stressed Rat on Lymphocyte Proliferation and Con A Concentration 应激大鼠血清对淋巴细胞转化的抑制作用与刀豆素A浓度的关系
The result showed that the high metastatic cell lines ( 16A_3) have more and stronger Con A binding. 结果表明,高转移细胞株(16A3)与conA有更多和更强的结合,与SBA结合的例数亦多于低转移的细胞株(A2)。
Relations between mobility of membrane phospholipid and Con A receptors during phagocytose in macrophages 巨噬细胞吞噬过程中膜磷脂流动性和受体流动性的关系
Influence of SP and Con A on histamine release from cultured mast cells of rat skin SP和conA对培养的大鼠皮肤肥大细胞组胺释放的影响
Accessory effect of mouse B lymphocytes in Con-A response 小鼠B淋巴细胞在conA反应中的辅佐作用
A comparative study of short lived and con a inducible suppressor cell function assay 短寿命与刀豆素A诱导的两种抑制性细胞功能的比较研究
The Dex-CdSe-QDs can be aggregated with concanavalin A ( Con A), and the change in RLS intensity is used to monitor the extent of aggregation. Dex-CdSe-QDs可与伴刀豆球蛋白A(conA)发生聚集,引起的RLS强度上的变化能用于监测体系聚集的程度。
T lymphocytes were activated by concanavalin ( Con A). 以多克隆刺激剂刀豆蛋白A(concanavalinA,conA)刺激T淋巴细胞活化、增殖。
Now liver injury induced by Con A is often used as a model to study the pathophysiology of immune mediated liver injury. 现在,conA诱导的肝损伤模型已是研究免疫介导的肝损伤生理病理机制经常用到的模型。